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Gardening on a Shoestring and a Chuckle
Natural Weed AssassinsFancy becoming the James Bond of the garden? Get ready to deploy your stealthy, budget-friendly arsenal against those[...]
Does Boiling Hot Water Kill Bamboo?
Overview of Bamboo's Resistance to Boiling Water Boiling water is a common method for killing unwanted plants due to its[...]
Does Vinegar Kill Bamboo?
Efficacy of Vinegar on Bamboo Vinegar, while a popular household item, is not a foolproof weed killer against bamboo. This[...]
Does Salt Kill Bamboo?
Effects of Salt on Bamboo Growth When you consider using salt as a weed killer, its effectiveness against bamboo is[...]
Does Bleach Kill Bamboo?
Efficacy of Bleach as a Bamboo Killer While you might consider using bleach to kill bamboo due to its potent[...]
Does Bleach Kill Nettles?
Efficacy of Bleach Against Nettles When attempting to tackle nettles in your garden, you might consider using bleach as a[...]
Does Vinegar Kill Nettles?
Efficacy of Vinegar Against Nettles Vinegar, primarily white vinegar with a usual acetic acid concentration of 5%, is not a[...]
Does Salt Kill Stinging Nettles?
Understanding Stinging Nettles You might have heard that salt can be used as an herbicide to manage garden pests such[...]

Weed Control 101.

Tired of weeds? Get the insider tips on how to eliminate them effectively.

Natural, Organic Weed Control.

Kill & prevent weeds with no chemicals.

Eliminate Weeds with Chemicals.

Sometimes the only things for it is a very strong commercial weed killer.

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7 Easy Ways to Kill Weeds in Winter
Ah, the great British winter has arrived. All your weeds will die and you won't have to do any weeding[...]
How to Kill Bracken
Bracken, a common fern in the UK, is often considered a problematic plant due to its aggressive growth and the[...]
Dicamba Weed Killers
Dicamba Weed Killer UK: Should we use it?Are you looking for a way to tackle stubborn weed growth in your[...]
Is It OK to Put Cardboard Under Mulch?
Benefits and Drawbacks of Cardboard Mulch It is acceptable to place cardboard under mulch as part of a gardening practice[...]
How to Grow Grass in the Shade
Yes, it is possible to grow a healthy, thick green lawn even in the shade.Getting grass to grow in the[...]
Is It OK to Put Mulch Around a Tree?
Benefits of Mulching Around Trees Yes, it is perfectly acceptable to put mulch around a tree. In fact, doing so[...]

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