Why do you need it?
There are so many different types of grass seed nowadays unless you are green fingered or a lawn expert it can be troublesome knowing where to start but your looking for the fastest growing grass seed right...
But why?
The why matters because different types of grass are for different conditions & situations.
Some can be sown all year round,, others only in the warmer months.
Some don't like shade, some do.
Some are vulnerable to heat others to cold.
If your just looking for a quick growing all purpose grass seed then keep reading...
Where are you trying to grow it?
The first question you have to ask is where? Is the garden very shaded? Is it in full sun and prone to drying out? What kind of soil do you have, clay or?
Does your lawn have a lot of foot traffic? You will require a hardier variety for busy gardens and a beautiful lawn - kids and pets can be especially hard on grass.
Typically grass seed likes warm, moist conditions to germinate.
Temperatures should be above 8 degrees Celsius and you should avoid frost / snow.
When is the best time to grow lawn seed?
In the UK it is more common to get snow at Easter than on Christmas day! I share this because many think that as soon as March rolls around it's fine to start planting outside.
Whilst frost and snow will do no harm to the grass seeds, once they begin to germinate and become little blades of baby grass they are very vulnerable to the cold, a late Spring frost can at best stunt their growth and at worst completely kill them off.
Of course all this depends on where you are in the country.
Typically in Scotland it is colder than the South East for example. Bear this in mind before you start to sow your grass seed.
We recommend you plant fast growing grass seed from Spring until late Autumn.
What is the fastest growing grass seed?
Ryegrass (annual and perennial)
Ryegrass seeds germinate quickly and grow rapidly. They're hardy and resistant to cold weather.
Ryegrasses are low maintenance and require little water. Ryegrases are tolerant of poor soil fertility and nutrient deficiencies.
Both annual and perennial varieties will germinate within 10 days making them ideal for quickly fixing bare patches or overseeding existing lawns.
Fine leaf fescues
If you're looking for a fast then fescue grass is one of the fastest growing types of grass seed. In fact, it's one of the most popular varieties used by homeowners for landscaping purposes.
Fescue grass is often referred to as 'elegant' grass due to its elegant appearance. However, it does require a bit of maintenance. When properly maintained, it looks beautiful and adds a touch of elegance to your lawn.
The best thing about this type of grass is that it doesn't require much water. It grows well in dry conditions and thrives in hot weather. It also requires less mowing compared to other types of grass.
So if you're looking for a quick-growing grass seed, you should consider planting fescue grass.
It typically germinates within 5-12 days.
Kentucky Bluegrass
Bluegrass seed is one of those grasses that grow really well in colder climates. In fact, it's one of the fastest growing grasses around. But it does require some warm weather to germinate.
If you live somewhere where winters are long and cold, you may want to consider planting Kentucky Bluegrass instead of annuals. Annuals die off after the first frost and Kentucky Bluegrass will continue to grow throughout the winter months.
Another thing to note about Kentucky Bluegrass is that it it's seeds can take longer to germinate than both Ryegrass and Fescue, once it has germinated it grows fast! Typical germination time from seed is 14-28 days, due to the longer germination period this variety is typically mixed with other types of grass seed that quickly germinate.
The main issue with bentgrass is its high maintenance requirements. It needs regular mowing and fertilizing. It grows very quickly and is prone to lodging. It does not tolerate shade well.
Bentgrass typically costs more. Combine this with the regular maintenance and it becomes unsuitable for residential lawns. It is commonly used on grass tennis courts and for seeding golf courses.
Bentgrasses will germinate within 10-14 days.
Will it spread?
Yes and no. If your expecting your grass seed to spread far and wide - it won't happen. As it grows it will become thicker which will give it the appearance of "spread" if you mow your lawn short you will see there are some bare spots of soil, it's best to keep some seed in reserve to go over these spots.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packet, different varieties of seed require different amounts per square inch - usually you need roughly 15-20 seeds per square inch.
How do I apply grass seed?
Firstly, you can't just throw grass seed down and hope it grows! I mean it may but for the best results you should prepare your lawn first.
You'll need:
A rake
Screened top soil
Fast growing grass seed
A spreader (if doing a large area)
How to do it
Before you start you may want to apply a pre-seed fertiliser, this will ensure your soil is healthy and full of nutrients. Apply the fertiliser at least 7 days before you plant the grass seed and allow it to dissolve fully into your soil
1) Rake the area you intend to seed vigorously to remove any dead grass or weeds and loosen the top layer of soil.
2) Spread the grass seed across the area by hand or spreader taking care to following the manufacturers guidelines on how much to sow.
3) Scatter some screened top soil over the top (around an inch) and ensure the seed has good contact with the soil.
4) Water it in with a fine mist and keep the area moist for the first few weeks.
Top tip: Birds love grass seed, they will quickly devour it. The top soil will protect it, please use it!
How to overseed an existing lawn
If you need to overseed your current lawn with some fast growing grass you'll need:
A rake
Your seeds of choice
A spreader
A lawn mower
How to do it:
1) Mow your lawn the shortest it can be mowed. Do this on a dry day, it'll make your life easier.
2) Rake the lawn and remove any grass clipping, dead grass, thatch, moss and weeds.
3) Spread the seed evenly across your lawn and water the whole area thoroughly.
The more you mow, the faster it grows!
OK, so you've sown your fast growing grass seed but the growth has slowed! Ooops!
If you want your grass to continue to grow fast mow it more often, not too short though!
Try to take only 10% off the height of your grass each time you mow your lawn and do it regularly between Spring & Autumn.
Get the fastest grass seed, that grows anywhere
Now you know how to grow grass fast! The question is do you want a blend of grass seed that grows fast anywhere? In the shade, in less than ideal conditions?
You need the Good Grow grass seed blend that is designed to deal with anything the UK can throw at it - rain, hail shade or shine - it grows fast, every single time!
good info thanks! I’m leaning toward the Ryegrass