How to Kill Horsetail


Horsetail is a challenging weed to manage in your garden, recognised for its deep-rooted and invasive nature. This prehistoric plant, often called mare’s tail, can form dense mats of foliage that not only compete with your preferred plants for nutrients and space but also detract from the aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space. With its capability to spread quickly through its rhizome network and resist many common weed control methods, horsetail requires a strategic and persisting approach to effectively eradicate.

Understanding the resilience and growth habits of horsetail is crucial to successfully dealing with this weed. While it can be tempting to resort to immediate and robust action, such as using chemical herbicides, it’s important to consider a broader range of strategies. Combining physical removal methods, altering soil conditions, and applying targeted chemical treatments can provide a comprehensive plan to not only remove horsetail but also to prevent its return. Furthermore, post-control management is essential to maintain a horsetail-free garden in the long term, ensuring that your efforts are not quickly undone by new growth.

Things to consider

  • Horsetail is a deeply rooted weed requiring a strategic approach to control.
  • A combination of removal methods, soil amendments, and herbicides is most effective.
  • Regular garden maintenance prevents horsetail re-establishment after removal.

Preventative Measures

Engaging in proactive steps to maintain your garden’s ecology can significantly diminish the spread of horsetail. Focusing on soil health and routine maintenance will create conditions less favourable for this persistent weed.

Garden Maintenance

Your first line of defence against horsetail is through vigilant garden upkeep. Regularly inspect your garden to remove any young horsetail shoots before they mature and spread. This weed can quickly take over neglected areas, so it’s critical to stay on top of things. Ensuring all areas are accessible for monitoring and maintenance will save you a great deal of effort in the long term.

  • Inspect Regularly: Be on the lookout for new horsetail shoots, especially during the growing season.
  • Immediate Action: Remove shoots as soon as they appear to prevent them from establishing themselves.

Soil Improvement

Improving your soil conditions is a game-changer in combating horsetail. This weed thrives in poor, compacted, and wet soils, so enhancing drainage and soil structure can dissuade its growth.

  • Drainage: Improve soil drainage to prevent the waterlogged conditions that horsetail favours. Consider adding coarse sand or organic material to increase aeration in the soil.
  • Nutrients and Fertiliser: Regularly test your soil and fortify it with the necessary nutrients. Applying well-balanced fertilisers can encourage the growth of desired plants, which can outcompete horsetail.
  • Compost and Mulching: Incorporate generous amounts of compost into your soil to enhance its fertility and structure. Use mulching around your plants to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture.

By elevating your garden upkeep and soil quality, you create a robust environment that is less hospitable to horsetail and more conducive to the plants you wish to cultivate.

Physical Control Strategies

Effective management of horsetail involves a consistent and persistent physical approach. Here are practical steps you can take to control this invasive weed.

Digging and Removing

To tackle horsetail directly, digging and removing the plants is essential. With a garden fork or spade, dig deeply to remove as much of the root system as possible. Horsetail has deep-rooted and creeping rhizomes, which means you’ll need to be thorough to eradicate it. When digging, be careful not to break the rhizomes, as any left behind can lead to a resurgence of growth.

Mowing and Cutting Back

Regular mowing and cutting back can weaken horsetail over time. By repeatedly mowing or cutting, you force the weed to use up its energy reserves, reducing its vigour. This method won’t kill horsetail on its own due to the persistent nature of its roots and rhizomes, but it can help reduce the infestation when combined with other methods.

Soil Solarisation

Soil solarisation is a non-chemical process that uses the heat of the sun to kill weeds and their roots. To solarise your soil, wet the area thoroughly and cover it with a clear plastic sheet for several weeks during the warmest part of the year. The trapped heat will eradicate many weeds including horsetail. Remember to overlap and bury the edges of the plastic to keep in the heat.

Chemical Control Options

When facing the challenge of eradicating horsetail, chemical control remains a potent tool at your disposal. Utilising the correct herbicides and mastering the nuances of application techniques are paramount for effective treatment.

Choosing the Right Herbicide

Selecting the appropriate weed killer is crucial in your fight against horsetail. Total weed killers like Kurtail Evo are specifically designed to tackle tough perennials like horsetail. Glyphosate is often recommended for its systemic action, as it moves throughout the plant to kill it entirely. However, due to horsetail’s waxy coating, additives may be necessary for increased absorption. Alternatively, Casoron, a pre-emergent herbicide, can prevent new growth, though it won’t kill existing plants.

For a tailored approach, 2,4-D and triclopyr can be effective, especially when combined with dolomite lime to adjust soil pH and improve herbicide uptake. Remember, each chemical control method has its own set of guidelines and safety protocols, so it’s imperative that you follow the product instructions closely.

Application Techniques

Applying herbicides correctly enhances their efficacy and prevents unnecessary environmental impact. For systemic herbicides like glyphosate, ensuring thorough coverage is essential. Wearing protective clothing, apply the herbicide on a dry, calm day to avoid drift and maximise absorption. Use a sprayer for even distribution and adhere to the recommended dosage and timing detailed on the product label.

If using granular products like Casoron, apply uniformly across the affected area, carefully avoiding desirable plants. After application, water the area to activate the herbicide unless product instructions advise otherwise. Regular monitoring after treatment will help you determine the effectiveness and inform you if repeat applications are necessary.

Understanding Horsetail

Before attempting to tackle horsetail in your garden, it’s essential to understand its unique characteristics and robust life cycle. Recognising different varieties can also aid in effective management.

Characteristics of Horsetail

Horsetail (Equisetum) is a perennial weed notable for its hollow, ridged stems and diminutive leaves fused into a sheath. The stems are typically green and photosynthetic, resembling the tail of a horse or a bottle brush. Equisetum arvense, commonly known as field horsetail, is one of the most prevalent species and can be distinguished by its segmented joints, from which branches radiate in a whorled pattern.

Life Cycle of Equisetum

Equisetum species, including the pervasive Equisetum arvense, reproduce through spores rather than seeds. In spring, they produce fertile, asparagus-like stems that release spores into the air, spreading rapidly across the soil. The persistent nature of horsetail’s growth lies in its extensive underground rhizome system, which can dive up to 1.5 metres deep, making complete eradication a challenge.

Varieties of Horsetail

While field horsetail is common, there are other varieties, such as the tall giant horsetail. Often mistaken for each other, marestail, or hippuris vulgaris, however, is an entirely different plant that thrives in wet conditions. Identification is key: field horsetail’s bottle brush-shaped shoots and whorled branches differ from the more singular stem structure of mare’s tail, which is often found in aquatic environments.

Natural Control Methods

When seeking to eradicate horsetail from your garden using natural control methods, your primary focus should be on methods that minimise ecological disruption. These techniques can be highly effective without resorting to harsh chemicals.

Vinegar Solutions

Vinegar is a potent organic control agent against horsetail. Mix a solution of domestic white vinegar with water in a spray bottle. The acetic acid in the vinegar will desiccate the plant’s foliage, thus hindering its ability to photosynthesise. Remember to apply this mixture directly onto the horsetail during a dry, sunny day for maximum effectiveness. This method won’t harm your soil’s biodiversity and is best used for above-ground parts of the plant. Frequent applications may be necessary as vinegar does not kill the weed’s rhizomes (underground stems).

Mulching Practices

Mulching is an excellent natural control method to suppress horsetail by blocking light and preventing new shoots from emerging. Apply a thick layer of organic mulch, such as bark chips, straw, or leaf mould, to smother the area affected by horsetail. Ensure the mulch layer is at least 10cm deep to effectively inhibit growth. Over time, this approach weakens the plant’s root system and reduces its spread. It is worth noting that while mulching is a more passive approach, it is often best combined with other methods for greater efficacy.

Post-Control Management

After you’ve taken action to kill horsetail, an ongoing strategy to control any resurgence is essential. This resilient weed can often return, so vigilance is key.

Monitoring and Maintenance

To ensure horsetail does not return, you’ll need to regularly monitor the affected areas, especially during spring and summer when the weed exhibits vigorous growth. Keep an eye out for new shoots emerging from the soil. Should any horsetail reappear, repeat the initial control methods promptly to prevent further spread. Care tips include keeping the soil well-maintained and physically removing any new shoots as soon as they are spotted.

Dealing with Resprouting

Horsetail is known for its persistent roots, which can lead to the weed resprouting even after treatment. If killing horsetail has been a challenge, be ready to tackle the root system when new growth is observed. Digging up the roots can be effective, but be cautious as horsetail can also spread from fragments left in the soil. Consider using a systemic weed killer that targets both the shoots and the roots to prevent the horsetail, also known as marestail, from regaining a foothold in your garden.

Guidance and Resources

When tackling horsetail, also known as Equisetum arvense, it’s essential you have access to reliable resources and follow expert advice to ensure effective control. Below, you’ll find categorised information to assist you with both identification and eradication methods.

Expert Advice

Your success in controlling horsetail begins with understanding the weed. Initiating contact with experts can provide valuable insights tailored to your situation. You can email us for specific advice or consult websites like for a comprehensive step-by-step guide. Remember, horsetail thrives in conditions where manure is prevalent, as its spores can often be found within. As part of your weed control strategy, it’s crucial to identify the presence of horsetail accurately and determine if you are dealing with a mature plant that has developed side shoots, which can be more challenging to eliminate.

Visual Guides and Tutorials

If you’re a visual learner, video tutorials can be particularly helpful. Platforms such as YouTube have a plethora of videos demonstrating how to identify and manage horsetail. Look for videos that illustrate the removal of shoots and the application of mulches or weed control barriers, as these can significantly inhibit the growth of horsetail. For example, the RHS offers a variety of visual materials that can show you exactly how to handle this pervasive plant.


Managing horsetail can be challenging due to its resilient nature, but with persistence and the appropriate methods, you can effectively control and even eradicate this weed. Begin by regularly removing shoots, which weakens the plant. Apply mulching to suppress new growth and ensure that any horsetail within your lawn is mowed to prevent spore distribution.

Consider incorporating the following tactics in your strategy:

  • Physical Removal: Digging up horsetail may be laborious but helps reduce its presence. Aim to get as much of the root system as possible.
  • Chemical Intervention: For a more aggressive approach, specific herbicides such as those containing glyphosate can be effective. Apply during the late summer for the best results and always follow label instructions.
  • Long-term Management: Accept that complete eradication may not be feasible in a single season. Commit to a long-term plan and monitor your garden regularly to address any new growth promptly.

By implementing these measures, you stand a good chance of reducing the impact of horsetail and maintaining a healthy, beautiful garden. Remember, consistence and patience are your allies in this endeavour.

Frequently Asked Questions

In addressing horsetail infestations, various methods and substances can be employed, each with its own efficacy and application strategy. Below are specific answers to common queries regarding the control of horsetail.

What is the most effective herbicide for eliminating horsetail?

For effective control of horsetail, consider using a herbicide like Kurtail Evo, which is particularly potent when the plant is actively growing and reaches a height of 20 – 60 cm.

Can household bleach be used to control horsetail infestations?

While household bleach might seem like a handy solution, it’s not an advisable choice for horsetail control due to its non-selective nature and potential environmental harm. It’s best to stick to targeted herbicides.

Is there a significant difference between marestail and horsetail when it comes to eradication?

Though commonly confused, marestail and horsetail are different, but both require persistent effort to eradicate. For specific control measures, refer to techniques such as those outlined on

What are the best practices for removing horsetail in the UK?

In the UK, removing horsetail often involves a combination of physical removal, such as digging out the rhizomes, and the application of weed killers at certain growth stages for best results. More details can be found at Garden & DIY Blog.

Does using a salt and vinegar solution effectively kill horsetail weeds?

A salt and vinegar solution can provide a temporary knockdown of horsetail vegetation above ground but won’t eradicate the deeply rooted rhizomes. For more permanent results, professional herbicides might be necessary.

Are there non-chemical methods, such as boiling water, that can manage horsetail effectively?

Boiling water can be used for spot treatment of horsetail and may kill the top growth. However, repeated applications are needed, and it may not reach the extensive root system. Non-chemical methods are generally labour-intensive and require consistency.

About the author 


Hey there, I am founder and editor in chief here at Good Grow. I guess I've always known I was going to be a gardener. I'm on a mission to share my UK based weed control & lawn care tips with you all. If you have any queries please post in the comments below.

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